I know for some teenagers, the reason why they don't listen to christian music is because they think it's all slow, boring & all those old sounding stuff that isn't "cool" to listen to. & I know that, because I was that way just about two years ago. Christian music was for old people & was so boring. I was wrong!
I discoverd the awesome christian music thats out there!
So everyday for a week I want to post one song on here to share with you my personal favorites & the most popular Christan pop music! Sound good? Great!
The best Christian music artists out there right now that I love would have be Newsboys! I have seen them live before, THEY ARE AMAZING!! I even got them to sign my t-shirt & cd's! They're music is great! I will def be sharing some of they're songs with you through out my Playlist Posts this week!
Another very popular band would be the one & only Skillet. They're a awesome band & I have a few cds myself. :)
I love they're music almost as much as I like the Newsboys.
I would totally recomend them if you like more that rock type music & some not too soft, but, soft music.

There are so many more bands that I'm going to share with you later on! Please tell me what you think of this blog/post & if theres anything you think I need to change or do better on. Also I'd like to know if you like the subject I'll be talking about. If you'd like to ask me anything, I'd be happy to help.
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