Sunday, July 24, 2011

Prayer Requests?

Hey everyone!  I'm someone who loves to pray, a lot.  Anything that goes wrong I try to turn to God & pray.   I was trying to think of ways I could help out people, in some way.  & the one really good thing I could think of is praying,  I'd love to pray for any of you guys!  I just recently started a "Prayer journal"
In other words, it's a note book I write prayers down, so that I won't forget any of them.    I know some things are personal so all you have to tell me is that it a unspoken & I'll still pray for you.   If your not comfortable with commenting a request please email me @  & I'll write your name down in my prayer journal.  Please let me know if I can pray for you are talk to you about anything.  I would just love to hear from you!   THANKS :D

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Thankful Post: Summer

So I'm writing another thank you post tonight!  I have so many things to be thankful for!   One of the biggest things I'm thankful for is SUMMER TIME, woot woot!   People are complaining about the hot weather, & yes I have to agree, lately it has been very very warm, but, still, I'd take it any day over a blizzard.  That's just the way I am.    Snow is awesome & all but, no I'm not one for the cold...except for a/c..I do love that!     Summer seems to go by WAY too fast!   Public schools here are starting in like two more weeks, I heard.'s unbelievable!   

Theres so many great things in the summer, I'm always so happy!   Friends, family, camp, church events..the fun is forever!  

So God, I just wanted to thank you for making this wonderful season summer!!!  I love it SO much!  

P.S. Sorry it's so short. :) 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Thank you Jesus!

Angela :)
Most of you probably already know my other blog Saving A Little Life With The Love of Jesus Christ , & it is all about trying to get little children from Reece's Rainbow orphanage, adopted!       For the past few months I've been trying to find little Angela her forever family.  Someone that would love her & give her everything a beautiful little angel like herself deserves!   & after a lot of praying, sharing & donating little sweetie pie Angela is finally on the My Family Found Me, page!   I'm not sure who exactly the family is, yet.  But, they're going to be very blessed to have baby girl, Angela there with them!  I'm so thankful that she's getting adopted, so I just had to write a thank you post to Jesus, cause, thus truly is a BLESSING!!! <3 <3 <3 <3

THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Be a Cheerleader!

Everyone needs a cheerleader & everyone needs to be a cheerleader.  Now I'm not talking about a cheer leading team or anything like that, I mean your own personal cheerleader. Acheerleader is anyone who is there when you truly need them.    A cheerleader that knows how to find the positive in the negativity of life.  I try so hard to be a cheerleader.  I'm not the best at it, it's hard to see the positive out the negative in life.  A verse that is one of my very favorites is "Encourage one another and build each other up" - 1 Thessalonians 5:11  
It's nice to know that the Bible tells us to encourage one another too.  It reminds me never to give up on encouraging one another, because sometimes, it can be a very easy thing to forget.  Just as easy as saying the negative thing.
Another one of my favorites would be Hebrews 10:24-" Think of ways to encourage one another to outburst of love and good deeds." 
Now wow, "outburst"  that's a pretty good word to use.  I would love to have some outbursts of love & good deeds in my life, how about you?
We should all take some time to stop & think about what are friends & family hear from us.  Are the motivated by love & encouraging things?  Or do they hear you break them down with ugly & hurtful words & actions?   I think I can honestly say I've said both sides before, but, more ugly & hurtful. 
That's not how I want to be though.  I know I can change & be a cheerleader!    We should look for the brightest side of life & always count our many blessings!  God loves us!  He wants us to show others love & kindness from Him through us. 

Thanks for taking time to read this & I hope it made sense.  I haven't posted in ages so I'm sorry if it's messy & not so easy to read.