Friday, July 1, 2011

Be a Cheerleader!

Everyone needs a cheerleader & everyone needs to be a cheerleader.  Now I'm not talking about a cheer leading team or anything like that, I mean your own personal cheerleader. Acheerleader is anyone who is there when you truly need them.    A cheerleader that knows how to find the positive in the negativity of life.  I try so hard to be a cheerleader.  I'm not the best at it, it's hard to see the positive out the negative in life.  A verse that is one of my very favorites is "Encourage one another and build each other up" - 1 Thessalonians 5:11  
It's nice to know that the Bible tells us to encourage one another too.  It reminds me never to give up on encouraging one another, because sometimes, it can be a very easy thing to forget.  Just as easy as saying the negative thing.
Another one of my favorites would be Hebrews 10:24-" Think of ways to encourage one another to outburst of love and good deeds." 
Now wow, "outburst"  that's a pretty good word to use.  I would love to have some outbursts of love & good deeds in my life, how about you?
We should all take some time to stop & think about what are friends & family hear from us.  Are the motivated by love & encouraging things?  Or do they hear you break them down with ugly & hurtful words & actions?   I think I can honestly say I've said both sides before, but, more ugly & hurtful. 
That's not how I want to be though.  I know I can change & be a cheerleader!    We should look for the brightest side of life & always count our many blessings!  God loves us!  He wants us to show others love & kindness from Him through us. 

Thanks for taking time to read this & I hope it made sense.  I haven't posted in ages so I'm sorry if it's messy & not so easy to read. 


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